Saturday, January 29, 2011

Issue # 6

Feedback Request

First off, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has taken the time to let me know what they think of the Correo. I really appreciate it! So why, you ask, am I asking for feedback now? Well, I am seriously considering moving to another part of Andalucia. My lovely home in Arroyo de la Miel was on a 6 month contract and it is up at the end of February 2010. Please take a few minutes to consider these questions and send back your answers. Everyone who responds will receive a free week of accomodation on the beautiful Costa del Sol with all the sangria you can drink.

If you were planning a holiday in the south of Spain which of the following would be important to you?

1/ Close to an international airport

2/ Close to a city

3/ Close to a beach

4/ Located in a small Andalusian pueblo

5/ Close to a marina or port

6/ Close to cultural activities i.e. bullfights, museums, festivals, markets

7/ Close to fun activites i.e. theme parks, aquariums, casinos

8/ Close to a shopping centre or major department store

9/ Close to nature i.e. mountains, forests, rivers

10/ Close to a Buddhist temple ;-)

Please organize from most important to least important and feel free to add any comments or suggestions.


  1. 9,3,10,4,5,
    There! I am enjoying your blog, what got me here, though,is your info on Query Shark saying that you've written a novel about traveling with your cat. I also travel alot, only I am in the US and I travel with a very precocious cat named Sweetpea. I blog about my travels, yet, I was drawn to write about traveling with animals and after creating an outline for a website, I began to write and what came out was HER VOICE. I've just finished it and am reading all the things needing to be done to publish.
    How is your book doing? And where are you in your process? Blessing your way!!

  2. Hi Cis, you would love Benalmadena. I am nearly finished writing - just a couple of chapters left. I was going to send a query to the agent who represented the Kite Runner but she shook off her mortal coil in August so I am not really sure what I will do. I will finish the book first and then see which direction the Universe points me in. Thanks for the blessing and keep being positive.
